
Cinco de Mayo Run to Conshohocken Brewing Co.


Thursday May 5, 2016

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! We're celebrating with a run to Conshohocken Brewing Co. where we'll meet up with our CONSHY RUNNING friends.

The run will start at our shop on Main Street at 6:30PM and head out along the Schuylkill River Trail toward the brewery. The route is approximately 6 miles one way. Or feel free to just meet us there!

Wear something festive (BYO maracas!) and please bring train fare for the return trip from the Spring Mill Station to Manayunk.
Short name: "Cinco de Mayo Run"
Posted 4/1/16 3:02 pm
by anonymous

Philadelphia Runner Manayunk

(267) 336-7409
4358 Main St
Philadelphia, PA 19127