Thursday Gallery Talks with Film and Video Curator
Every Thursday
Last updated 123 months ago
Every Thursday at 11am we invite interested visitors to join a gallery talk led by one of The Warhol Museum's Film and Video curators. Curator Geralyn Huxley will lead a tour through I Just Want to Watch: Andy Warhol’s Film, Video, and Television, the exhibition currently on view on the sixth floor, which focuses on the film and video work the artist created between 1963 and 1987. Assistant Curator Greg Pierce will examine the art of Warhol’s film portraiture in his talk and demonstration entitled Lights, Camera, Hold Still! Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests (1964 -66). The 30 minute talks provide time for visitors to present their own perceptions and or questions about the works of art.
Short name: "Thurs Gallery Talk"
117 Sandusky St
Pittsburgh, PA 15212