Alton Merrell
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Backstage Bar - Free Event
Alton Merrell leads his own group "Alton Merrell & Company," an instrumental and vocal ensemble incorporating jazz, contemporary gospel, funk, and classical music styles in their repertoire. The mission of his group is to create music that will minister love, healing, joy, deliverance and peace to people around the world. Alton's latest award winning CD "You're The Reason" embodies this vision.
Alton has received numerous honors including: Gospel Jazz Artist of the Year, American Gospel Music Award, Best New Gospel Jazz Artist & Producer and Captital Jazz Festival Competition Finalist (2008). He is currently a member of the Pittsburgh Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Sean Jones and Mike Tomaro. Alton has also been a member and soloist with, the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, Cleveland State Jazz Heritage Orchestra, Pittsburgh Concert Chorale, YSU All-Star Alumni Jazz Ensemble, Warren Philharmonic Orchestra, and the OMEA Intercollegiate All-Star Jazz Ensemble
Updated 2/5/13 9:17 pm
by anonymous
655 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222