
Guerrilla Girls


Wednesday March 20, 2013

Carnegie Lecture Hall

Guerrilla Girls, an anonymous group of feminists fighting sexism in the art world, will stage a multimedia performance in full jungle drag. The artists will illustrate their history of creating posters, books, and actions to expose discrimination in areas including art, film, and politics. Carnegie Museum of Art director Lynn Zelevansky will engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas with the Guerrilla Girls about the evolving role of women in the art world.

Empowering Women exhibition open 5–9 p.m. in Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

$15 ($12 members/$10 students)

Limited seating

Tickets required

Purchase tickets online.
Posted 2/13/13 8:57 pm
by anonymous

Carnegie Museum of Art

(412) 622-3131
4400 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213