
Player One + Mark Hayward + Mark Mammone


Saturday April 6, 2013

Price: $10 ($5 Student Rush)

Player One, Arcade Comedy Theater’s own in-house improv troupe, presents an evening of hilarious and unpredictable theater improv. The team is coached by Jethro Nolen and comprised of experienced improvisers from both the Second City Touring Company and iO West, as well local veterans from various troupes and venues across Pittsburgh, including Friday Nite Improvs and The Pittsburgh Improv Jam.

The show also features a performance by Mark Hayward, world champion yo-yo artist and variety performer.

Player One, Arcade Comedy Theater’s own in-house improv troupe, presents an evening of hilarious and unpredictable theater improv. The team is coached by Jethro Nolen and comprised of experienced improvisers from both the Second City Touring Company and iO West, as well local veterans from various troupes and venues across Pittsburgh, including Friday Nite Improvs and The Pittsburgh Improv Jam.

The show also features a performance by Mark Hayward, world champion yo-yo artist and variety performer.

Moving up the ranks of the Pittsburgh comedy scene – Mark Mammone has been seen at the Pittsburgh Improv and recenlty performed at Flappers in Burbank, CA.

Short name: "Player One + others"
Updated 4/10/13 12:02 pm
by anonymous

Arcade Comedy Theater

(412) 339-0608
811 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222