
The Uplift


Saturday September 14, 2013

Join us for a day of joy and music and homegrown produce in Pretzel Park, located between Silverwood, Cotton and Cresson Streets just off Main Street in Manayunk. Come get green goodness at the Farmer’s Market which starts at 10am and stay for the day of some of the finest music the city has to offer.

Thrill to the slender fiddle of Keoni Bolding, the vibes of ThunderNugget and to the neo-retro horn flavored delight of Polkadelphia. Chill to the smooth and silky sound of Illian Village, the charisma of AlyCat, and the strange heat of The Strange Heat, drill to the dental tributes of EDO and the Good Samaritans, and Brill to the songwriting excellence of EJ Simpson.

Bring a blanket, bring a picnic, and leave your worries at home.
Updated 9/6/13 1:46 pm
by anonymous

Pretzel Park

Roxborough Avenue & Cresson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19127