
Friday Gallery Talks with Artist Educators


Every Friday

Last updated 123 months ago
Each Friday at 11am and 3pm we invite interested visitors to join in a gallery talk led by one of The Warhol's artist educators. Each talk will have a thematic focus around a series of works or a Warhol process. The subjects may include - but are not limited to - Warhol’s photographic silkscreen process, abstraction in Warhol’s work, appropriation, beauty and reality in commissioned portraits, the dark side of American consumerism, Warhol’s technology, and more. The 30 minute talk provides time for visitors to present their own perceptions and or questions about the works of art.
Short name: "Friday Gallery Talks"

The Andy Warhol Museum

(412) 237-8300
117 Sandusky St
Pittsburgh, PA 15212