
Free Demo & Happy Hour: "Mitered Picture Framing"


Tuesday September 30, 2014

Come see how to use a simple jig for any home tablesaw that will create gorgeous home-made picture frames! It's a great method and much easier than using a miter saw for perfect miter joints. We'll also show you how to use a router table to create gorgeous custom frame profiles. Lastly, we'll go over techniques for creating stronger miter joints like using biscuits or splines! Here's your chance to have all your questions answered by our pros here at the Woodworks. Limited spots, so make sure to RSVP!
Short name: "Demo & Happy Hour"
Posted 9/24/14 5:25 pm
by anonymous

Philadelphia Woodworks

(267) 331-5880
4901 Umbria St
Philadelphia, PA 19128