The Spiral Bookcase and Friends of Pretzel Park present The Secret History of Philadelphia: an afternoon of books, presentations, discussions, and tomato pie. Bring your picnic blankets, lawn chairs, and curiosity and join us in Pretzel Park to uncover Philadelphia’s hidden history!
- Stephanie Hoover, author of Philadelphia Spiritualism
- David Traub, author of Searching for Philadelphia
- J.P. Webster, author of Vanishing Philadelphia
- The Kelpius Society
- Historical exhibit by local tour guide Nicholas Bucci
- Local history books for sale by The Spiral Bookcase (10a-2p)
- Pretzel Park Farmer's Market (10a-2p)
Schedule of Events
10:30a-Noon: Presentations
Noon-1pm: Meet and Greet / Lunch provided by Marchiano’s
1pm: Raffle, featuring prizes from The Spiral Bookcase, Lucky’s Last Chance, and Sweet Elizabeth’s Cakes