Monthly Group Rebirth with Shannon Haughey


6:30p-8:30p Monday February 16, 2015

Yoga On Main

This event occurs in the past
The Group Rebirth is a conscious connected breathwork session. Rebirthing is learning a relationship with your breath and the power of the breath as a function of the body. Rebirthing, or circular breathing, lasts for approximately an hour and relieves the negative charges in cell memory.

Rebirthing sessions with a practitioner aim to facilitate positive change through working with the breath and taking responsibility for thoughts, feelings and actions. The sessions will help to identify birth trauma, family patterns, inherited attitudes and specific negative thoughts. Rebirthers aim to support clients in using the breath to ground themselves safely in their body during emotional, physical releases and spiritual insights. Rebirthing connects us to ourselves and gives an experience of present time. We can observe and make conscious choices from a clearer perspective and feeling of well-being.

Cost: $25
(215) 482-7877
4363 Main St
Philadelphia, PA 19127
Short name: "Group Rebirth"
Posted 12/17/14 8:03 pm
by anonymous
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the venue to verify is always recommended.
Yoga On Main: (215) 482-7877
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