
Cooking, Meditation


Thursday February 5, 2015

"Cooking as a Living Meditation Practice" - a Once Monthly Workshop Padmasri

Adding a sacred conscious element to our kitchens and to the preparation of meals, can be a living meditation practice that so easily can be included in our day. By using the kitchen as our Meditation Area, we can include our family and not exclude anyone. We can prepare our food slowly, using breathing and subtle shifts of focus to notice the dimensions of the carrot we cut, or the orange we peel. What color, what weight, what aromas emanate from each. This brings a deeper awareness and connection to food and us.

Price: $20, pre-registration required.
Posted 1/8/15 12:17 pm
by anonymous

Yoga On Main

(215) 482-7877
4363 Main St
Philadelphia, PA 19127