Scavenger Hunt with Bruce Wagner


3pm-5pm Sunday April 26, 2015

Wissahickon Valley Park

This event occurs in the past
How well do you know Spring? How well do you know the Wissahickon? We have a Guided Walk that will test your knowledge of both, and your creativity as well.

Registrants for this walk will divide into teams and for a scavenger hunt by collecting photographs of the sought items. Some items will be familiar park icons, some natural specimens, and some just a little “kookie.” Digital cameras or phone-cameras are accepted... Families, friends, and accompanied children are all welcome. FOW Trail Ambassadors are judges, and will be available for hints.

Meet at Valley Green Inn. Presented by Friends of the Wissahickon.

Trail Ambassador hikes are free and open to the public. Registration is recommended for all hikes so that participants can be informed of weather or other emergency cancellations. Unless otherwise specified, Trail Ambassador hikes may use rocky, rugged trails that may be wet and slippery. Wear sturdy shoes or boots with socks. Long pants are recommended for protection against occasional poison ivy and possible ticks. Bring water and a snack if desired. Walks are cancelled in heavy rain or icy conditions.
7301 Henry Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19128
Short name: "Scavenger Hunt"
Posted 3/28/15 10:40 pm
by anonymous
Note: All events are user-submitted. Calling
the venue to verify is always recommended.
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